Frequently Asked Questions

What is Microblading?

Microblading is performed by depositing pigment superficially into the upper dermis of the skin.  Using a hand tool with little pins on the tip, I will implant pigment in very fine lines that recreate the brow. This technique is a process that can be used to improve or create eye brow definition, to cover gaps from hairloss or recreate a whole brow if no hairs are present.

What is the difference between Microblading and Cosmetic Tattooing ?

Firstly, both methods are a form of tattooing, microblading performed with a hand tool, and Cosmetic tattooing is performed with a digital machine. I am able to do both methods and this is a real advantage for me as some skin types are best suited to a specific method, If you are wanting to know what method would be best suited to you then book in for a FREE consultation to discuss your options.

Does it hurt?

A topical anaesthetic can be applied to ensure you are comfortable. Every client is different but I can assure you the pain that is felt -if any- is manageable. The area that has been treated will be tender immediately after but will subside within a few hours.

Is there any down time ?

The simple answer is yes, but it really depends on the individual and how they feel about their freshly treated area. Some clients walk out and don’t worry at all that their brows, liner, lips are looking much darker than usual, other clients do not feel comfortable being seen with the extra bold look while they are going through the healing process of these procedures. Below is “What to expect after your brow treatment” to help you  better understand the healing process, and also plan for your treatment around special events.



Day 1- WOW  I love my new brows!!

There is a possibility that he brow area could be slightly red and swollen after the procedure, depending on the client individual sensitivity. The hair stroke will appear fine, sharp and crisp immediately after and not too strong in colour. You will be happy to show them off!


As the haistrokes start to heal the colour will intensify. The colour has now expanded from 2D to 3D as it is now sitting on top of the skin in the form of a scab. At this point the brow can look quite DARK and THICKER than your desired colour. As the skin starts to heal your brows may become itchy. Try not to scratch. Beauty is Pain and itchy when it comes to brows  🙂

 * If you are self conscious  about how dark your brows look my hint is to wear more eye makeup, and put a little foundation on – not over the top of your brows.

Keep your lips light with a little gloss or lip balm. Just rock your bold look for a few days 😉


This point of the healing process can be the most daunting – As if the DARK days weren’t enough! The scabs will start to exfoliate and the brows look patchy, this is a normal part of the healing process. Time to practice a little patience.


At this point the colour of the strokes are at their lightest, this is caused by the body’s natural healing process. You may wish to add some pencil or powder to your brows to get you through this stage. Lets get technical – Why do my brows vanish? When implanting pigment into the skin the body’s natural reaction is to dispose of the antibodies. The product is drawn back deeper into the dermal layer in an attempt to get rid of it. Once the body stops fighting the product, the colour slowly pushes forward to the surface. Full potential of the colour is not seen until the skin is healed internally. The strokes colour expand and become slightly thicker or heal true to implantation size. This will depend on your skin type and results vary from client to client.


The true colour could have healed up to 40% lighter or 10% darker than expected depending on the skin under tones, depth of pigment, how closely you have followed your aftercare and your health. For some clients the colour will heal very true to the colour that was implanted, others may look faded and too light. NOT TO WORRY, thats what your check up is for!

Check up procedure

A check up procedure is done 5-8 weeks after your initial treatment. This appointment is used to assess the healed brow and make the necessary adjustments. For clients who have reacted well to the treatment, this could mean just a few tweaks. For other clients who have had poor retention of the colour this may mean re-evaluating colour and more work to be done to perfect the treatment. The check up is an important step in creating your brows.